Big Ben Volition bong for Brexit! UK exit from transition period on Dec31 gets full handling

Large BEN will ring out on Dec 31 to mark the terminate of the Brexit transition period, the House of Eatables has confirmed.

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Appear today, the famous clock tower will ring at 11pm on December 31 to coincide with the stop of the transition menstruation.  This will mark part of Parliament's New year commemoration rather than existence specifically deputed for Brexit. Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower accept been under repairs since 2017.

Information technology has just been rung for special occasions since repair piece of work began.

The bong, which weighs xiii.7 tonnes, last rang on Nov xi to marker Ceasefire Day.

Members of the public have been urged to stay away from Westminster on New Year'south Eve due to coronavirus restrictions.

On Wednesday Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: "No one should be gathering in big groups to encounter in the new year's day."

Brexit news: Big Ben to ring on December 31

Brexit news: Big Ben to ring on Dec 31 (Epitome: GETTY)

Brexit news: Big Ben will ring out at 11pm

Brexit news: Big Ben will band out at 11pm (Epitome: GETTY)

The bell will be tested in the days leading upwards to New Yr's Eve to ensure it can produce its 12 bongs when the clock strikes midnight.

Britain will formally complete the Brexit transition period on January 1, 2021 afterward voting to get out the EU in 2016.

While the Parliament has confirmed Large Ben volition ring out on December 31, there is incertitude as to whether the UK will leave the transition catamenia with or without a deal.

MPs will begin their recess from Thursday evening just may be chosen back for an emergency sitting if a deal is agreed.

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London news: Big Ben has been under repairs since 2017

London news: Large Ben has been under repairs since 2017 (Image: GETTY)

Eu Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, also stated a deal is close but certain bug however remain.

With 2 weeks left before the end of the transition, Michel Barnier did admit progress had been made just "stumbling blocks" withal remain.

He told the EU Parliament today: "In this last stretch of talks, transparency and unity are of import as e'er.

"Good progress, but last stumbling blocks remain.

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Brexit news: Michel Barnier updated officials today

Brexit news: Michel Barnier updated officials today (Epitome: GETTY)

Brexit news: Michel Barnier updated officials today

Brexit news: Michel Barnier updated officials today (Image: GETTY)

"We volition only sign a deal protecting Eu interests and principles."

EU Parliament leaders have adopted a declaration stating they will not vote on any bargain unless they meet documentation past Sunday.

If they can access the document by midnight on Dominicus, they will and so proceed to have a session at the end of the year to provisionally ratify the agreement.

Under this European union members could allow the bargain to be provisionally applied before the Dec 31 deadline so it tin come into effect in 2021.

Brexit endgame

Brexit endgame (Prototype: Express)

Manfred Weber, the German leader of the centre-right European People'southward party, tweeted: "I have proposed to the European parliament leadership this morning time that we should merely corroborate a Brexit agreement if nosotros get information technology until this Lord's day.

"After that we cannot reasonably scrutinise the bargain earlier the end of the twelvemonth.

Brexit news: Manfred Weber

Brexit news: Manfred Weber (Image: PA)

"The agreement is likewise important to rush through parliament.

"Nosotros owe it to the people and businesses in our constituencies who will be heavily afflicted by Brexit to scrutinise the deal appropriately.

"After Lord's day we don't believe this would yet be possible."